Said and Read

Words fascinate me. Their origins, their meanings, their evolution — all of that interests me, and has for as long as I can remember. Words are the building blocks of thought, and the pathway to other minds. They give us a way to externalize the complex and ephemeral thoughts and feelings that make each of us unique in the history and future of the world. In this blog, I’ll share my exploration of (and enthusiasm for) words, language, and communication. I’ll try for a good mix in trivia, tips, and observations.


Language Curmudgeon

Language Curmudgeon

Language evolves for lots of good reasons – but there are also good reasons why linguistic changes can make a person grumpy.

The Elements of Genre

The Elements of Genre

A book’s genre is a clue about the balance between the main drivers of story – plot, character, or setting.

New Year Goals and Guesses

New Year Goals and Guesses

This year, I’m staying focused on the feeling I want instead of making up a goal based on a guess about what will lead to satisfaction.

Magic Bookshelves

Magic Bookshelves

Bookshelves are where we find mirrors of the mind, reflecting our thoughts and moods. The meaning we find in what we read depends on the moment we’re in.