Writing Articles

The Elements of Genre

A book’s genre is a clue about the balance between the main drivers of story – plot, character, or setting.

Important Books

Most books are not Important Books, no matter how excellent they are – but if a book makes you think, isn’t that what’s important?

Main Characters – An Airport Perspective

Perspective is the difference between being an extra and being the star of the show, and the difference between a layover and a destination.

Important Books

Important Books

Most books are not Important Books, no matter how excellent they are – but if a book makes you think, isn’t that what’s important?

New Year Goals and Guesses

New Year Goals and Guesses

This year, I’m staying focused on the feeling I want instead of making up a goal based on a guess about what will lead to satisfaction.

Magic Bookshelves

Magic Bookshelves

Bookshelves are where we find mirrors of the mind, reflecting our thoughts and moods. The meaning we find in what we read depends on the moment we’re in.

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A Natural Name

A Natural Name

Names are labels that help us keep track. In fiction, keeping identities clear when names can shift based on relationships is a challenge.

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Writer or Organized Squirrel?

Writer or Organized Squirrel?

False starts are part of my creative process, and they sometimes generate material I wish I could use. The trick is keeping track of where I saved those unused possibilities.

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