Editing English Articles

The Technical Edit: Five Tips for Finding & Fixing Tiny Flaws

In the final installment of this mini-series on self-editing for authors, learn how to catch the little mistakes in your writing.

The Style Edit (continued): Word Search

Part 4 of the self-editing for authors mini-series continues with some ways writers can use the search function to improve style.

The Style Edit: The Sound of Style

Part 4 of self-editing for authors touches on how listening to your work can help you refine your writing style.

Junk English

Junk English

Junk English comes in many flavors, some of which are very addictive. Overused phrases. Buzz words. Hyperbole. Euphemisms. Filler words. We usually don't notice or mind when someone uses these devices in speech – and most of us do. Sometimes they have redeeming...

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Editorial Oops

I'm so glad that people sometimes say — and write — unwittingly funny, telling, or bizarre things. Even the most articulate people and the most well-edited publications are subject to editorial slip-ups, and you just have to be grateful for that. I, for one, can laugh...

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Karmic Apostrophes

It's not an obsession, this thing I have about apostrophes. It's just that the poor things are so misunderstood and misused! When I notice one in the wrong place, I can't get it out of my mind. It's the same feeling I get when I'm visiting someone's home and the...

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The Ultimate Anagram

My brother is a software engineer who considered being a math major in college. I, on the other hand, make my living in words and rejoiced when I learned that I would never actually need calculus. Not long ago, he and I chatted about what sorts of things we randomly...

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The Unintentional Apostrophe

When I drove up to Pennsylvania to spend Christmas with my family, I passed a digital road sign that read, “Caution New Traffic Pattern’s Ahead.” Those signs – the Lite-Brite answer to Gutenberg – definitely attract attention. (I would like to know the statistics of...

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